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- Kompsat-5 Image Data Provision and Quality Management
Dochul Ynag, Horyung Jeong, Doochun Seo
GEO DATA. 2022;4(4):13-19. Published online December 31, 2022
- The Korea Aerospace Research Institute is conducting continuous quality management to provide reliable Kompsat-5 SAR image products to users. In this paper, the Kompsat-5 satellite operation, data processing, quality management, and data provision were described. The operation and image mode characteristics of the Kompsat-5 satellite from the image point of view were described, and the classification and characteristics of image products provided to users were explained. In addition, image data acquisition, quality index measurement, and its results are described for quality management of SAR images. Finally, it explains how to search for and order Kompsat image product through the ARIRANG system to quickly provide users with image products whose quality has been confirmed through quality management. Kompsat product can be searched and ordered from the ARIRANG Satellite Search and Order System (
- KOMPSAT-5 GNSS Radio Occultation Data Operations
Okchul Jung, Jaedong Seong, Myeongshin Lee, Daewon Chung
GEO DATA. 2022;4(3):1-7. Published online September 30, 2022
- The Korea Aerospace Research Institute launched KOMPSAT-5 on August 22, 2013, and has been operating for 10 years. KOMPSAT-5 has SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) for earth observation missions, and collects data necessary for earth atmosphere analysis through GNSS RO (Radio Occultation) receivers. RO data can be used for numerical weather forecast model based on temperature, pressure, and humidity by calculating the vertical distribution of atmospheric information. As a part of the Korea-US science and technology cooperation, KARI has been providing RO data of KOMPSAT-5 to the United States NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in near-real time since 2018. To this end, KARI receives telemetry data from the satellite about 12 times a day using 3 ground stations from Daejeon, Alaska in the U.S., and Sodankyla in Finland. The pre-processed data is being provided to both the UCAR (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) in the U.S. and the KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute). In this paper, radio occlusion data of KOMPSAT-5 is introduced, and system configuration, operation concepts for providing near-real time data and its application are also presented.
- Radiometric Distortion Corrected Radar Backscattering Coefficient Data over Ilam, Iran using Kompsat-5 SAR Image
Dochul Yang
GEO DATA. 2021;3(4):28-31. Published online December 31, 2021
- Flattening gamma naught was calculated using Korea Multipurpose Satellite 5 (KOMPSAT-5, K5) by correcting the radiometric distortion caused by geometric distortion over Ilam, Iran. The flattening gamma naught is not only the SAR core observation of Analysis Ready Data (ARD), which is utilized for artificial intelligence and big data, but also the basis for all fields of application that use the SAR brightness by providing the backscattering values only from surface characteristics. The flattening gamma naught data is provided with the same resolution as that of the K5 SAR image, so the data over the Ilam, Iran have the spatial resolution of the K5 Wide Swath mode of 20 m. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM with a resolution of 30 m was oversampled to generate the flattening gamma naught, and shadow areas where flattening gamma naught generation was not possible were identified using GIM layer information provided with the K5 image. In order to determine the reliability of the calculated flattening gamma naught, histogram analysis and tendency according to the incident angle were investigated, and the performance was verified by comparing it with other backscattering coefficients. Details of the algorithm and procedure are presented in previous studies and reference papers.