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2 "Hwangdo Tidal Flat"
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Study on Grain Size, Physical Properties and Organic Matter Characteristics of Tidal Flat Surface Sediments: May 2022 Hwangdo Tidal Flat Dataset, Cheonsu Bay
Jun-Ho Lee, Hoi-Soo Jung, Huigyeong Ryu, Keunyong Kim, Joo-Hyung Ryu, Yeongjae Jang
GEO DATA. 2024;6(3):159-174.   Published online September 30, 2024
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This study analyzes the geological and geochemical features of surface sediments in the Hwangdo Tidal Flat, located on Korea’s West Coast. The tidal flat experiences semi-diurnal tides, impacting organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Ninety one sediment samples were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical properties including grain size, density, water content, organic carbon, and nitrogen. Sediments consist mainly of sand and silt, with coarser sediments near the main channel and finer sediments towards the west. Sediment grain size averages 4.12 Φ with a sorting coefficient of 1.96 Φ, indicating diverse energy environments. Total organic carbon and nitrogen correlate positively with grain size and density, reflecting sediment origin and environment. Kriging maps sediment grain size distribution, while correlation and linear regression analyses show relationships between variables. High correlations exist between various parameters, aligning with tidal flat characteristics and aiding understanding of sediment transport and deposition. The study provides baseline data for understanding the tidal flat’s geological, geochemical, and physical aspects, valuable for remote sensing validation and environmental monitoring. The dataset is freely available for research and management purposes.
The Dataset of Sedimentary Environments at Hwangdo Tidal Flat on the Western Coast of Korea (2004 to 2013)
Kye-Lim Kim, Jong-Kuk Choi, Joo-Hyung Ryu
GEO DATA. 2020;2(2):26-35.   Published online December 30, 2020
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The Hwangdo tidal flat has been subjected to local hydrodynamic changes caused by the construction of seawalls and bridges, which are changing the distribution of sediments and topographic characteristics. These changes would affect the sedimentary environments. It is essential to establish sedimentary environments dataset such as sediment distributions and elevation in order to understand the sedimentary environments and the pattern of change in the tidal flat. Therefore, between 2004 and 2013, data on sedimentary environmental factors such as surface sedimentary facies and elevation were obtained through the field survey, and soil moisture content of each sediment was measured to analysis the correlation between seawater and optical reflectance in the tidal flat. As a result, 12 sedimentary facies were distributed in the Hwangdo tidal flat, and the sand content and elevation gradually increased between 2004 and 2013. It was also shown that the amount of seawater present in the surface decreased as elevation and grain size increased. These data will be useful for understanding the changes in the sedimentary environments and for establishing plans for change and conservation management in Hwangdo tidal flat.