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Data Article 생태계 복원 사업 효과 모니터링을 위한 기반 데이터 구축
조소연1orcid , 안나현2orcid , 차재규3orcid
Dataset Construction for Monitoring the Effects of Ecosystem Restoration Projects
Soyeon Cho1orcid , Nahyun Ahn2orcid , Jaegyu Cha3orcid
GEO DATA 2024;6(4):197-207
Published online: December 3, 2024

1전임연구원, 국립생태원 기후탄소연구팀, 충청남도 서천군 마서면 금강로 1210, 33657, 대한민국
2연구원, 국립생태원 기후탄소연구팀, 충청남도 서천군 마서면 금강로 1210, 33657, 대한민국
3선임연구원, 국립생태원 기후탄소연구팀, 충청남도 서천군 마서면 금강로 1210, 33657, 대한민국

1Associate Researcher, Climate Change and Carbon Research Team, National Institute of Ecology, 1210 Geumgang-ro, Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, 33657 Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
2Researcher, Climate Change and Carbon Research Team, National Institute of Ecology, 1210 Geumgang-ro, Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, 33657 Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
3Senior Researcher, Climate Change and Carbon Research Team, National Institute of Ecology, 1210 Geumgang-ro, Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, 33657 Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Corresponding author:  Jaegyu Cha, Tel: +82-41-950-5490, 
Received: 5 September 2024   • Revised: 10 October 2024   • Accepted: 29 October 2024
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Climate change have increased the necessity for developing climate adaptation strategies. Ecological restoration projects have been implemented to restore the structure and function of degraded natural environments, thus enabling adaptation to the climate crisis. However, due to the lack of subsequent monitoring and evaluation, the effectiveness and success of these restoration efforts remain unverified. Verification of restoration effectiveness is essential for establishing ecological restoration and adaptation policies. Therefore, this study catalogs 338 cases of ecosystem restoration projects (including Ecosystem Conservation Fund Return Projects, Jayeon Madang Restoration Projects, and Urban Ecological Corridor Restoration Projects) conducted between 2010 and 2023 to effectively select monitoring sites. Using satellite-based spatial data, we quantified the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) and land surface temperature (LST). This study shows that higher NDVI values significantly lower LST and NDMI, indicating that the more vegetation restored in ecosystems, the more effectively it reduces surface temperatures. The NDVI across all land cover types averaged above 0.2, corresponding to a high vegetation cover density. Specifically, forests exhibited significantly higher NDVI and NDMI, whereas bare land and used area showed significantly higher NDBI and LST. Over the time series, NDVI and NDMI increased, and NDBI decreased, suggesting the positive effects of restoration. The ranges of NDVI, NDBI, NDMI and LST values by land cover type for the 338 restoration project sites provided in this study can be utilized for selecting specific monitoring sites and verifying effectiveness.

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