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The Funga of Higher Fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea
Eunsu Park1orcid, Sangyoung Park2orcid, Sohee Kim2orcid, Eunjin Kim3orcid, Hwa-Yong Lee4,*orcid, Ju-Kyeong Eo5,*orcid
GEO DATA 2024;6(4):330-339.
Published online: December 31, 2024

1Researcher, Ecological Technology Research Team, Division of Ecological Applications Research, National Institute of Ecology, 1210 Geumgang-ro, Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, 33657 Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea

2Graduate Student, Department of Forest Science, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, 28644 Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea

3Postdoctoral Student, Department of Forest Therapy, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, 28644 Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea

4Associate Professor, Department of Forest Science, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, 28644 Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea

5Senior Researcher, Ecological Technology Research Team, Division of Ecological Applications Research, National Institute of Ecology, 1210 Geumgang-ro, Maseomyeon, Seocheon-gun, 33657 Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea

Corresponding Authors Hwa-Yong Lee Tel: +82-43-261-2537 E-mail:
Ju-Kyeong Eo Tel: +82-41-950-5634 E-mail:
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
• Received: October 7, 2024   • Revised: November 26, 2024   • Accepted: December 1, 2024

Copyright © 2024 GeoAI Data Society

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  • In this study, we conducted basic research on the classification and ecology of higher fungi as part of the 2023 biomimicry research. These fungal strains will be used in mycofabrication research for the development of textile materials. We investigated the biodiversity of higher fungi in Mountain Minjuji from May to October 2023. We identified two divisions, seven classes, 19 orders, 52 families, 95 genera, and 181 species of fungi. We divided the Ascomycota strains into four classes, seven orders, 12 families, 14 genera, and 17 species, and the Basidiomycota strains into three classes, 12 orders, 39 families, 81 genera, and 164 species. The top three most frequently discovered taxa were Russula Pers., with a total of 19 species identified, followed by Amanita Pers., with 12 species, and Lactarius Pers., with 11 species. Our results provide basic data on the higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji and will assist with fungal monitoring research.
Biomimicry is the emulation of living organisms and ecosystems. It entails analyzing natural phenomena and understanding ecosystem working principles. Through these efforts, biomimicry research seeks to enrich human life by reflecting these principles for mankind (Choi and Moon, 2014). The National Institute of Ecology under the Ministry of Environment of Korea began biomimicry research in 2016 to realize a sustainable society. Our biomimicry research is largely divided into two parts. First, development of a biomimicry knowledge database (DB), a user-tailored DB to promote technology development, and second, basic and applied research on the structure and function of living organisms and ecosystems and their principles. In our basic and applied research, we are developing textile materials using fungal hyphae. In order to identify appropriate fungal strains for textiles, we investigated the biodiversity of higher fungi on Mountain Minjuji.
Mycofabrication is gaining attention as an innovative technology that can positively impact ecosystems. The selection of strains for mycofabrication is important. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the biodiversity of fungi in the natural environment to identify appropriate strains. Mountain Minjuji is located on the border of Yeongdong-gun, Muju-gun, and Gimcheonsi. It is about 1,242 m altitude, and the forest area is well preserved, making it a suitable area for collecting various mushrooms. Therefore, in 2023, we conducted a biodiversity survey of the higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji. We collected samples that form visible fruiting bodies and determined the distribution of higher fungi.
2.1 Methods
This survey was conducted along the Mulhan Valley of Mountain Minjuji. The host plants and the surrounding environment were inspected, and the color and shape of the fruiting bodies were observed. The higher fungi were identified according to macroscopic traits, such as the shape and color of caps, structure of stems, and microscopic traits, such as the shape of spores. For the identification of higher fungi, Korean mushrooms (Park and Lee, 2010) and Japanese mushrooms (Imazeki, 2011) were referenced. Data were collected according to the standards and quality control procedures of EcoBank, a comprehensive ecological information system of the National Institute of Ecology.
2.2 Temporal coverage
The data used in this study were the biodiversity survey results of higher fungi in Mountain Minjuji obtained from May to October 2023.
2.3 Spatial coverage
Mountain Minjuji is 1,242 m above sea level and is located on the border of Yeongdong-gun, Muju-gun, and Gimcheon-si. There is a relatively deep valley in Mountain Minjuji, and most of the valley water flows northward into the Mulhan Valley. Mountain Minjuji has outstanding natural characteristics (Kim et al., 2006). While the natural features of Mountain Minjuji have received extensive study, the fungi of the mountain have received less attention. Therefore, this study investigated the diversity of higher fungi in four forest communities distributed along the hiking trails of the Mulhan Valley (Fig. 1).
In 2023, 52 families, 95 genera, and 182 species were identified during the investigation of the higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji (Table 1). The investigated higher fungi were divided into mycorrhizal, saprobic, and parasitic and organized according to the number of genera. Sixteen families, 31 genera, and 100 species of mycorrhizal fungi were found. Among them, three genera and 34 species in Russulaceae accounted for the highest proportion. In addition, nine genera and 10 species belonged to Boletaceae, three genera and six species belonged to Inocybaceae, three genera and five species belonged to Cortinariaceae, two genera and 22 species belonged to Clavariaceae, two genera and five species belonged to Hygrophoraceae, one genus and 12 species belonged to Amanitaceae, one genus and seven species belonged to Entolomataceae, one genus and six species belonged to Suillaceae, one genus and four species belonged to Hydnangiaceae, one genus and three species belonged to Helvellaceae, one genus and two species belonged to Gomphaceae and Hydnaceae, and one genus and one species belonged to Clavulinaceae and Thelephoraceae. Saprobic fungi belonging to 35 families, 60 genera, and 75 species were found. Among them, three genera and 11 species in Mycenaceae accounted for the highest proportion. In addition, seven genera and seven species belonged to Polyporaceae, five genera and six species belonged to Agaricaceae, four genera and four species belonged to Strophariaceae, three genera and four species belonged to Marasimiaceae, three genera and three species belonged to Auriculariaceae, Psathyrellaceae and Tricholomataceae, two genera and four species belonged to Omphalotaceae, two genera and three species belonged to Stereaceae, two genera and two species belonged to Tapinellaceae, one genus and two species belonged to Dacrymycetaceae and Pluteaceae, and one genus and one species belonged to each of Auriscalpiaceae, Chlorociboriaceae, Cudoniaceae, Dermateaceae, Fomitopsidaceae, Geastraceae, Helotiaceae, Hyaloscyphaceae, Hymenochaetaceae, Hypoxylaceae, Lachnaceae, Leotiaceae, Meripilaceae, Pleurotaceae, Sclerotiniaceae, Tremellaceae, Typhulaceae, and Xylariaceae. Parasitic mushrooms belonging to five families, five genera, and six species were found. Of these, four families, Physalacriaceae, Fomitopsidaceae, Trichocomaceae, and Cordycipitaceae, had one genus and one species. Ophiocordycipitaceae had one genus and two species (Fig. 2).
In the survey of the forest floor, 91 species were found in the broad-leaf forest, 73 species in the Japanese red pine forest, 33 species in the Japanese larch forest, and 61 species in the Korean pine forest. The most common species found were Perenniporia medulla-panis in broad-leaf forests, Lactarius fulvescens in Korean red pine forests, Tyromyces schweinitzii in Japanese larch forests, and Lactifluus holophyllus and Calycina citrina in Korean pine forests (Table 1).
Finally, the survey identified 182 fungal species, revealing a high level of biodiversity for mycelium-based applications. Notably, species from the Pleurotus and Trametes genera, identified in this survey, are being explored internationally as potential alternatives to building materials and plastics (Alemu et al., 2022). Further researches such as mycelium growth rates and substrate optimization etc. are expected to help address sustainability challenges.

Conflict of Interest

On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.

Funding Information

This study was financially supported by the National Institute of Ecology under project numbers NIE-B-2023-18 and 2024-19 and the Ministry of Environment of Korea as basic ecological research.

Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in EcoBank at

Fig. 1.
Map of the research site at Mountain Minjuji (shown as a red circle in the inset). The site is located on the border of Yeongdong-gun, Mujugun, and Gimcheon-si. Each dot represents a sample, and the color indicates the forest type. (A) Broad-leaved forest (Quercus sp.) (a) and Korean red pine forest (Pinus densiflora ) (b), (B) Japanese larch forest (Larix kaempferi ) (c) and Korean pine forest (Pinus koraiensis ) (d).
Fig. 2.
Families of higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji, Korea. The proportion of samples from each family is shown. The top three families were Russulaceae (34 species, 18.7%), Amanitaceae (12 species, 6.6%), and Mycenaceae (11 species, 6.1%).
Table 1.
List of macrofungal species collected from mongolian oak forest in Mountain Minjuji
No Family name Scientific name Korean name Forest flora
1 Agaricaceae Agaricus silvaticus 숲주름버섯a) PK
2 Agaricus subrutilescnes 진갈색주름버섯a) PD
3 Cyathus striatus 주름찻잔버섯a) PK
4 Lepiota cristata 갈색고리갓버섯a) LK
5 Lycoperdon perlatum 말불버섯a) PK
6 Nidula niveotomentosa 새둥지버섯a) LK, PD, PK
7 Amanitaceae Amanita abrupta 양파광대버섯b) Q
8 Amanita caesareoides 붉은달걀광대버섯b) PD
9 Amanita citrina 애광대버섯b) PD
10 Amanita griseofarinosa 잿빛가루광대버섯b) PK
11 Amanita oberwinkleriana 흰주머니광대버섯b) PD, Q
12 Amanita orientifulva 동양고동색광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
13 Amanita pallidorosea 담색장미광대버섯b) PD, PK
14 Amanita pantherina 마귀광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
15 Amanita rubescens 붉은점박이광대버섯b) PD
16 Amanita spissacea 뱀껍질광대버섯b) PK
17 Amanita virosa 독우산광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
18 Amanita volvata 큰주머니광대버섯b) PK, Q
19 Clavariaceae Clavulinopsis fusiformis 노란창싸리버섯b) PD
20 Ramariopsis kunzei 쇠뜨기버섯b) Q
21 Cortinariaceae Cortinarius alboviolaceus 흰보라끈적버섯b) PK, Q
22 Cortinarius anomalus 회갈색끈적버섯b) PD, Q
23 Cortinarius pseudosalor 가지색끈적버섯아재비b) Q
24 Descolea flavoannulata 노란턱돌버섯b) Q
25 Thaxterogaster purpurascens 풍선끈적버섯b) PD, Q
26 Crepidotaceae Crepidotus badiofloccosus 노랑털귀버섯a) PK
27 Crepidotus mollis 귀버섯a) Q
28 Entolomataceae Entoloma album 흰주머니꼭지외대버섯b) PK
29 Entoloma ameides 흰주머니갈색외대버섯b) Q
30 Entoloma coelestinum 군청색외대버섯b) PD
31 Entoloma kujuense 남보라외대버섯b) PD
32 Entoloma rhodopolium 삿갓외대버섯b) PD, Q
33 Entoloma sarcopum 외대덧버섯b) PD, Q
34 Entoloma violaceum 보라꽃외대버섯b) Q
35 Hydnangiaceae Laccaria bicolor 큰졸각버섯b) Q
36 Laccaria japonica 국명 미정b,c) Q
37 Laccaria parva 국명 미정b,c) PK, Q
38 Laccaria vinaceoavellanea 색시졸각버섯b) PK
39 Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe cantharellus 화병꽃버섯b) PD, Q
40 Hygrocybe conica 꽃버섯b) PD
41 Hygrocybe flavescens 노란대꽃버섯b) PD
42 Hygrophorus camarophyllus 노란구름벚꽃버섯b) LK
43 Hygrophorus lucorum 노란털벚꽃버섯b) LK
44 Inocybaceae Inocybe cincinnata 곱슬머리땀버섯b) Q
45 Inocybe lacera 비듬땀버섯b) PK
46 Inocybe squamulosa 비늘땀버섯b) Q
47 Inosperma cookei 단발머리땀버섯b) PK
48 Marasmiaceae Marasmius brunneospermus 홍릉낙엽버섯a) PK
49 Marasmius maximus 큰낙엽버섯a) PK
50 Megacollybia clitocyboidea 깔대기큰솔버섯a) PD
51 Rhodocollybia butyracea 버터철쭉버섯a) LK, PD, PK, Q
52 Mycenaceae Mycena capillaris 실애주름버섯a) Q
53 Mycena chlorophos 받침애주름버섯a) LK, PD
54 Mycena flos-nivium 흰주머니털애주름버섯a) LK, Q
55 Mycena galericulata 콩나물애주름버섯a) PD
56 Mycena haematopus 적갈색애주름버섯a) Q
57 Mycena pelianthina 졸각애주름버섯a) LK
58 Mycena polygramma 세로줄애주름버섯a) Q
59 Mycena pura 맑은애주름버섯a) LK, PD, PK, Q
60 Mycena stylobates 빨판애주름버섯a) LK, Q
61 Roridomyces roridus 점질버섯a) PD, Q
62 Xeromphalina cauticinalis 가랑잎이끼살이버섯a) LK, PD
63 Omphalotaceae Collybiopsis confluens 밀꽃애기버섯a) LK, PK, Q
64 Collybiopsis peronata 가랑잎꽃애기버섯a) PD, PK
65 Gymnopus dryophilus 굽은꽃애기버섯a) PD, PK, Q
66 Gymnopus erythropus 선녀꽃애기버섯a) PD
67 Physalacriaceae Desarmillaria tabescens 뽕나무버섯부치d) PD, PK
68 Pleurotaceae Pleurotus pulmonarius 산느타리a) PD
69 Pluteaceae Pluteus cervinus 난버섯a) LK, Q
70 Pluteus petasatus 흰주머니난버섯a) PD
71 Psathyrellaceae Candolleomyces candolleanus 족제비눈물버섯a) PK
72 Coprinellus micaceus 갈색먹물버섯a) Q
73 Psathyrella obtusata 애기눈물버섯a) Q
74 Strophariaceae Gymnopilus liquiritiae 미치광이버섯a) PK
75 Hypholoma fasciculare 노란개암버섯a) LK, PK, Q
76 Pholiota tuberculosa 큰머리비늘버섯a) PD, PK
77 Pyrrhulomyces astragalinus 개암비늘버섯a) LK, PK
78 Tricholomataceae Clitocybe fragrans 흰주머니삿갓깔때기버섯a) PK
79 Infundibulicybe gibba 혹깔때기버섯a) PD, PK, Q
80 Tricholoma psammopus 치악송이b) LK
81 Tricholoma ustale 담갈색송이b) PK, Q
82 Tricholomopsis flammula 다홍솔버섯a) PK
83 Typhulaceae Typhula setipes 절반부들국수버섯a) PD
84 Auriculariaceae Auricularia cornea 뿔목이a) LK
85 Exidia thuretiana 뭉게좀목이a) Q
86 Heterochaete delica 미세돌기목이a) LK
87 Boletaceae Boletus auripes 수원그물버섯b) Q
88 Boletus hiratsukae 흑갈색그물버섯b) PD
89 Hortiboletus rubellus 황갈색해그물버섯b) PD
90 Retiboletus nigerrimus 검은망그물버섯b) PD
91 Strobilomyces confusus 털귀신그물버섯b) PD, PK, Q
92 Sutorius eximius 은빛쓴맛그물버섯b) PD
93 Tylopilus neofelleus 제주쓴맛그물버섯b) Q
94 Xanthoconium affine 황금씨그물버섯b) PD, PK
95 Xerocomellus chrysenteron 해그물버섯b) PD, Q
96 Xerocomus subtomentosus 산그물버섯b) PK
97 Suillaceae Suillus americanus 끈적비단그물버섯b) PK
98 Suillus bovinus 황소비단그물버섯b) LK, PD
99 Suillus granulatus 젖비단그물버섯b) PK
100 Suillus grevillei 큰비단그물버섯b) LK
101 Suillus luteus 비단그물버섯b) LK, PD
102 Suillus viscidus 녹슬은비단그물버섯b) LK, PK
103 Tapinellaceae Pseudomerulius aureus 주름버짐버섯a) PK
104 Tapinella panuoides 은행잎버섯a) PD
105 Clavulinaceae Clavulina rugosa 주름볏싸리버섯b) PD
106 Hydnaceae Cantharellus cibarius 꾀꼬리버섯b) PD, Q
107 Cantharellus minor 애기꾀꼬리버섯b) Q
108 Geastraceae Geastrum fimbriatum 테두리방귀버섯a) PD
109 Gomphaceae Ramaria flava 노랑싸리버섯b) Q
110 Ramaria formosa 붉은싸리버섯b) Q
111 Hymenochaetaceae Hymenochaete xerantica 금빛진흙버섯a) PD, PK,
112 Fomitopsidaceae Climacocystis borealis 물렁시루버섯a) Q
113 Fomitopsidaceae Tyromyces schweinitzii 해면버섯d) LK
114 Meripilaceae Loweomyces fractipes 편심구멍버섯a) PD, PK
115 Polyporaceae Phaeolus roseoalbus 장미자색구멍버섯a) Q
116 Cerioporus varius 노란대구멍장이버섯a) LK, Q
117 Lentinus brumalis 겨울구멍장이버섯a) PD, Q
118 Microporus affinis 메꽃버섯a) PD, PK, Q
119 Perenniporia medulla-panis 흰주머니구멍버섯a) Q
120 Trametes versicolor 구름송편버섯a) LK, Q
121 Trichaptum biforme 테옷솔버섯a) Q
122 Polyporaceae Trichaptum chioneus 개떡버섯a) Q
123 Auriscalpiaceae Lentinellus ursinus 갈색털느타리a) PD
124 Russulaceae Lactarius akahatsu 피젖버섯b) PD
125 Lactarius alboroseus 국명 미정b,c) Q
126 Lactarius citrinus 레몬젖버섯b) Q
127 Lactarius controversus 쌈젖버섯b) PK
128 Lactarius fulvescens 국명 미정b,c) PD
129 Lactarius gerardii 애기젖버섯b) Q
130 Lactarius hatsudake 젖버섯아재비b) PD, PK
131 Lactarius lutescens 울금젖버섯b) PD, PK
132 Lactarius orientaliquietus 동양향기젖버섯b) PD, PK
133 Lactarius porniniae 낙엽송젖버섯b) LK
134 Lactarius violascens 잿빛젖버섯b) Q
135 Lactifluus curvativus 국명 미정b,c) Q
136 Lactifluus holophyllus 전나무털젖버섯b) PK
137 Lactifluus orientivellereus 국명 미정b,c) PD
138 Lactifluus orientivolemus 국명 미정b,c) Q
139 Lactifluus pseudohygrophoroides 넓은갓털젖버섯아재비b) LK, Q
140 Russula aeruginea 구릿빛무당버섯b) PD, PK
141 Russula alboareolata 목련무당버섯b) PD, Q
142 Russula albonigra 검은무당버섯b) PD, Q
143 Russula atropurpurea 참무당버섯b) Q
144 Russula bella 수원무당버섯b) LK, PD, PK, Q
145 Russula compacta 담갈색무당버섯b) PD
146 Russula cyanoxantha 청머루무당버섯b) Q
147 Russula emetica 무당버섯b) PD, Q
148 Russula flavida 노랑무당버섯b) Q
149 Russula foetens 깔때기무당버섯b) LK, PK
150 Russula nigricans 절구무당버섯b) PD, Q
151 Russula rosea 졸각무당버섯b) Q
152 Russula sanguinaria 혈색무당버섯b) PD, PK
153 Russula senecis 흙무당버섯b) PD
154 Russula sororia 회갈색무당버섯b) LK
155 Russula vesca 조각무당버섯b) Q
156 Russula virescens 기와버섯b) PK
157 Russula xerampelina 포도무당버섯b) PK
158 Stereaceae Stereum ostrea 갈색꽃구름버섯a) PD, Q
159 Stereum subtomentosum 갈색털꽃구름버섯a) Q
160 Xylobolus peculiare 껍질꽃구름버섯a) Q
161 Thelephoraceae Thelephora palmata 단풍사마귀버섯b) PD
162 Dacrymycetaceae Calocera cornea 황소아교뿔버섯a) PD, PK, Q
163 Calocera viscosa 아교뿔버섯a) LK, PK
164 Tremellaceae Phaeotremella foliacea 꽃흰주머니목이a) Q
165 Trichocomaceae Paecilomyces variotii 눈꽃동충하초d) Q
166 Chlorociboriaceae Chlorociboria aeruginascens 변형술잔녹청균a) PD
167 Cudoniaceae Spathularia flavida 황금넓적콩나물버섯a) LK, PK, Q
168 Dermateaceae Chlorosplenium chlora 황녹청균a) PD
169 Helotiaceae Calycina citrina 황색고무버섯a) PK
170 Hyaloscyphaceae Lachnum rhytismatis 리트머스털컵버섯a) Q
171 Lachnaceae Erioscyphella abnormis 양털컵버섯a) Q
172 Sclerotiniaceae Dicephalospora rufocornea 국명 미정a,c) LK, PD, Q
173 Leotiaceae Leotia lubrica 콩두건버섯a) Q
174 Helvellaceae Helvella elastica 긴대안장버섯b) Q
175 Helvella macropus 기둥안장버섯b) PD, Q
176 Helvella sublicia 덧술잔안장버섯b) Q
177 Cordycipitaceae Cordyceps militaris 동충하초d) Q
178 Hypoxylaceae Annulohypoxylon truncatum 검은팥버섯a) Q
179 Ophiocordycipitaceae Ophiocordyceps nutans 노린재포식동충하초d) LK, PK
180 Ophiocordyceps sphecocephala 벌포식동충하초d) LK, PD, PK, Q
181 Xylariaceae Xylaria hypoxylon 콩꼬투리버섯a) PD, Q

Korean names of the mushrooms were obtained from the national species list of Korea (NIBR, 2019) and index of Korean mushroom (Park and Lee, 2010).

PK, Pinus koraiensis; PD, Pinus densiflora; LK, Larix kaempferi; Q, Quercus sp.

a) Saprophytic fungi;

b) Mycorrhizal fungi;

c) Reported as a scientific name because there is no current Korean name;

d) Parasitic fungi.

  • Alemu D, Tafesse M, Mondal AK (2022) Mycelium-based composite: the future sustainable biomaterial. Int J Biomater 2022:8401528ArticlePubMedPMCPDF
  • Choi SK, Moon JM (2014) Research of biomimicry space design characteristic based on the ecological point of view. J Korea Design Forum 43:105–118
  • Imazeki R (2011) Nihon no kinoko. Yamatokeikokusha, Tokyo
  • Kim YY, Ji SJ, Ko EM, Jang CG, Oh BU (2006) Flora and present vegetation status of Minjujisan and its adjacent regions. Korean J Plant Reso 19(1):15–28
  • National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) (2019) National species list of Korea I: plants, fungi, algae, prokaryotes. NIBR, Incheon
  • Park WH, Lee HD (2010) Wild fungi of Korea. Kyohak, Seoul
Appendix 1.
Meta Data for Dataset
Field Sub-Category
Title of Dataset Data on the Higher Fungi of Mt. Minjuji in Korea
Category Biota, Ecology
Temporal Coverage 2023.05.-2023.10.
Spatial Coverage Address Yeongdong-gun, Muju-gun, and Gimcheon-si (Mountain Minjuji)
WGS84 Coordinates [Latitude] 36.04-36.04
[Longitude] 127.87-127.87
Personnel Name Ju-Kyeong Eo
Affiliation National Institute of Ecology
CC License CC BY-NC
Field Sub-Category
Summary of Dataset The funga of higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea
Project Investigation of fungal diversity for mycofabrication
Instrument Field survey

Figure & Data



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      Related articles
      The Funga of Higher Fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea
      Image Image
      Fig. 1. Map of the research site at Mountain Minjuji (shown as a red circle in the inset). The site is located on the border of Yeongdong-gun, Mujugun, and Gimcheon-si. Each dot represents a sample, and the color indicates the forest type. (A) Broad-leaved forest (Quercus sp.) (a) and Korean red pine forest (Pinus densiflora ) (b), (B) Japanese larch forest (Larix kaempferi ) (c) and Korean pine forest (Pinus koraiensis ) (d).
      Fig. 2. Families of higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji, Korea. The proportion of samples from each family is shown. The top three families were Russulaceae (34 species, 18.7%), Amanitaceae (12 species, 6.6%), and Mycenaceae (11 species, 6.1%).
      The Funga of Higher Fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea
      No Family name Scientific name Korean name Forest flora
      1 Agaricaceae Agaricus silvaticus 숲주름버섯a) PK
      2 Agaricus subrutilescnes 진갈색주름버섯a) PD
      3 Cyathus striatus 주름찻잔버섯a) PK
      4 Lepiota cristata 갈색고리갓버섯a) LK
      5 Lycoperdon perlatum 말불버섯a) PK
      6 Nidula niveotomentosa 새둥지버섯a) LK, PD, PK
      7 Amanitaceae Amanita abrupta 양파광대버섯b) Q
      8 Amanita caesareoides 붉은달걀광대버섯b) PD
      9 Amanita citrina 애광대버섯b) PD
      10 Amanita griseofarinosa 잿빛가루광대버섯b) PK
      11 Amanita oberwinkleriana 흰주머니광대버섯b) PD, Q
      12 Amanita orientifulva 동양고동색광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
      13 Amanita pallidorosea 담색장미광대버섯b) PD, PK
      14 Amanita pantherina 마귀광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
      15 Amanita rubescens 붉은점박이광대버섯b) PD
      16 Amanita spissacea 뱀껍질광대버섯b) PK
      17 Amanita virosa 독우산광대버섯b) PD, PK, Q
      18 Amanita volvata 큰주머니광대버섯b) PK, Q
      19 Clavariaceae Clavulinopsis fusiformis 노란창싸리버섯b) PD
      20 Ramariopsis kunzei 쇠뜨기버섯b) Q
      21 Cortinariaceae Cortinarius alboviolaceus 흰보라끈적버섯b) PK, Q
      22 Cortinarius anomalus 회갈색끈적버섯b) PD, Q
      23 Cortinarius pseudosalor 가지색끈적버섯아재비b) Q
      24 Descolea flavoannulata 노란턱돌버섯b) Q
      25 Thaxterogaster purpurascens 풍선끈적버섯b) PD, Q
      26 Crepidotaceae Crepidotus badiofloccosus 노랑털귀버섯a) PK
      27 Crepidotus mollis 귀버섯a) Q
      28 Entolomataceae Entoloma album 흰주머니꼭지외대버섯b) PK
      29 Entoloma ameides 흰주머니갈색외대버섯b) Q
      30 Entoloma coelestinum 군청색외대버섯b) PD
      31 Entoloma kujuense 남보라외대버섯b) PD
      32 Entoloma rhodopolium 삿갓외대버섯b) PD, Q
      33 Entoloma sarcopum 외대덧버섯b) PD, Q
      34 Entoloma violaceum 보라꽃외대버섯b) Q
      35 Hydnangiaceae Laccaria bicolor 큰졸각버섯b) Q
      36 Laccaria japonica 국명 미정b,c) Q
      37 Laccaria parva 국명 미정b,c) PK, Q
      38 Laccaria vinaceoavellanea 색시졸각버섯b) PK
      39 Hygrophoraceae Hygrocybe cantharellus 화병꽃버섯b) PD, Q
      40 Hygrocybe conica 꽃버섯b) PD
      41 Hygrocybe flavescens 노란대꽃버섯b) PD
      42 Hygrophorus camarophyllus 노란구름벚꽃버섯b) LK
      43 Hygrophorus lucorum 노란털벚꽃버섯b) LK
      44 Inocybaceae Inocybe cincinnata 곱슬머리땀버섯b) Q
      45 Inocybe lacera 비듬땀버섯b) PK
      46 Inocybe squamulosa 비늘땀버섯b) Q
      47 Inosperma cookei 단발머리땀버섯b) PK
      48 Marasmiaceae Marasmius brunneospermus 홍릉낙엽버섯a) PK
      49 Marasmius maximus 큰낙엽버섯a) PK
      50 Megacollybia clitocyboidea 깔대기큰솔버섯a) PD
      51 Rhodocollybia butyracea 버터철쭉버섯a) LK, PD, PK, Q
      52 Mycenaceae Mycena capillaris 실애주름버섯a) Q
      53 Mycena chlorophos 받침애주름버섯a) LK, PD
      54 Mycena flos-nivium 흰주머니털애주름버섯a) LK, Q
      55 Mycena galericulata 콩나물애주름버섯a) PD
      56 Mycena haematopus 적갈색애주름버섯a) Q
      57 Mycena pelianthina 졸각애주름버섯a) LK
      58 Mycena polygramma 세로줄애주름버섯a) Q
      59 Mycena pura 맑은애주름버섯a) LK, PD, PK, Q
      60 Mycena stylobates 빨판애주름버섯a) LK, Q
      61 Roridomyces roridus 점질버섯a) PD, Q
      62 Xeromphalina cauticinalis 가랑잎이끼살이버섯a) LK, PD
      63 Omphalotaceae Collybiopsis confluens 밀꽃애기버섯a) LK, PK, Q
      64 Collybiopsis peronata 가랑잎꽃애기버섯a) PD, PK
      65 Gymnopus dryophilus 굽은꽃애기버섯a) PD, PK, Q
      66 Gymnopus erythropus 선녀꽃애기버섯a) PD
      67 Physalacriaceae Desarmillaria tabescens 뽕나무버섯부치d) PD, PK
      68 Pleurotaceae Pleurotus pulmonarius 산느타리a) PD
      69 Pluteaceae Pluteus cervinus 난버섯a) LK, Q
      70 Pluteus petasatus 흰주머니난버섯a) PD
      71 Psathyrellaceae Candolleomyces candolleanus 족제비눈물버섯a) PK
      72 Coprinellus micaceus 갈색먹물버섯a) Q
      73 Psathyrella obtusata 애기눈물버섯a) Q
      74 Strophariaceae Gymnopilus liquiritiae 미치광이버섯a) PK
      75 Hypholoma fasciculare 노란개암버섯a) LK, PK, Q
      76 Pholiota tuberculosa 큰머리비늘버섯a) PD, PK
      77 Pyrrhulomyces astragalinus 개암비늘버섯a) LK, PK
      78 Tricholomataceae Clitocybe fragrans 흰주머니삿갓깔때기버섯a) PK
      79 Infundibulicybe gibba 혹깔때기버섯a) PD, PK, Q
      80 Tricholoma psammopus 치악송이b) LK
      81 Tricholoma ustale 담갈색송이b) PK, Q
      82 Tricholomopsis flammula 다홍솔버섯a) PK
      83 Typhulaceae Typhula setipes 절반부들국수버섯a) PD
      84 Auriculariaceae Auricularia cornea 뿔목이a) LK
      85 Exidia thuretiana 뭉게좀목이a) Q
      86 Heterochaete delica 미세돌기목이a) LK
      87 Boletaceae Boletus auripes 수원그물버섯b) Q
      88 Boletus hiratsukae 흑갈색그물버섯b) PD
      89 Hortiboletus rubellus 황갈색해그물버섯b) PD
      90 Retiboletus nigerrimus 검은망그물버섯b) PD
      91 Strobilomyces confusus 털귀신그물버섯b) PD, PK, Q
      92 Sutorius eximius 은빛쓴맛그물버섯b) PD
      93 Tylopilus neofelleus 제주쓴맛그물버섯b) Q
      94 Xanthoconium affine 황금씨그물버섯b) PD, PK
      95 Xerocomellus chrysenteron 해그물버섯b) PD, Q
      96 Xerocomus subtomentosus 산그물버섯b) PK
      97 Suillaceae Suillus americanus 끈적비단그물버섯b) PK
      98 Suillus bovinus 황소비단그물버섯b) LK, PD
      99 Suillus granulatus 젖비단그물버섯b) PK
      100 Suillus grevillei 큰비단그물버섯b) LK
      101 Suillus luteus 비단그물버섯b) LK, PD
      102 Suillus viscidus 녹슬은비단그물버섯b) LK, PK
      103 Tapinellaceae Pseudomerulius aureus 주름버짐버섯a) PK
      104 Tapinella panuoides 은행잎버섯a) PD
      105 Clavulinaceae Clavulina rugosa 주름볏싸리버섯b) PD
      106 Hydnaceae Cantharellus cibarius 꾀꼬리버섯b) PD, Q
      107 Cantharellus minor 애기꾀꼬리버섯b) Q
      108 Geastraceae Geastrum fimbriatum 테두리방귀버섯a) PD
      109 Gomphaceae Ramaria flava 노랑싸리버섯b) Q
      110 Ramaria formosa 붉은싸리버섯b) Q
      111 Hymenochaetaceae Hymenochaete xerantica 금빛진흙버섯a) PD, PK,
      112 Fomitopsidaceae Climacocystis borealis 물렁시루버섯a) Q
      113 Fomitopsidaceae Tyromyces schweinitzii 해면버섯d) LK
      114 Meripilaceae Loweomyces fractipes 편심구멍버섯a) PD, PK
      115 Polyporaceae Phaeolus roseoalbus 장미자색구멍버섯a) Q
      116 Cerioporus varius 노란대구멍장이버섯a) LK, Q
      117 Lentinus brumalis 겨울구멍장이버섯a) PD, Q
      118 Microporus affinis 메꽃버섯a) PD, PK, Q
      119 Perenniporia medulla-panis 흰주머니구멍버섯a) Q
      120 Trametes versicolor 구름송편버섯a) LK, Q
      121 Trichaptum biforme 테옷솔버섯a) Q
      122 Polyporaceae Trichaptum chioneus 개떡버섯a) Q
      123 Auriscalpiaceae Lentinellus ursinus 갈색털느타리a) PD
      124 Russulaceae Lactarius akahatsu 피젖버섯b) PD
      125 Lactarius alboroseus 국명 미정b,c) Q
      126 Lactarius citrinus 레몬젖버섯b) Q
      127 Lactarius controversus 쌈젖버섯b) PK
      128 Lactarius fulvescens 국명 미정b,c) PD
      129 Lactarius gerardii 애기젖버섯b) Q
      130 Lactarius hatsudake 젖버섯아재비b) PD, PK
      131 Lactarius lutescens 울금젖버섯b) PD, PK
      132 Lactarius orientaliquietus 동양향기젖버섯b) PD, PK
      133 Lactarius porniniae 낙엽송젖버섯b) LK
      134 Lactarius violascens 잿빛젖버섯b) Q
      135 Lactifluus curvativus 국명 미정b,c) Q
      136 Lactifluus holophyllus 전나무털젖버섯b) PK
      137 Lactifluus orientivellereus 국명 미정b,c) PD
      138 Lactifluus orientivolemus 국명 미정b,c) Q
      139 Lactifluus pseudohygrophoroides 넓은갓털젖버섯아재비b) LK, Q
      140 Russula aeruginea 구릿빛무당버섯b) PD, PK
      141 Russula alboareolata 목련무당버섯b) PD, Q
      142 Russula albonigra 검은무당버섯b) PD, Q
      143 Russula atropurpurea 참무당버섯b) Q
      144 Russula bella 수원무당버섯b) LK, PD, PK, Q
      145 Russula compacta 담갈색무당버섯b) PD
      146 Russula cyanoxantha 청머루무당버섯b) Q
      147 Russula emetica 무당버섯b) PD, Q
      148 Russula flavida 노랑무당버섯b) Q
      149 Russula foetens 깔때기무당버섯b) LK, PK
      150 Russula nigricans 절구무당버섯b) PD, Q
      151 Russula rosea 졸각무당버섯b) Q
      152 Russula sanguinaria 혈색무당버섯b) PD, PK
      153 Russula senecis 흙무당버섯b) PD
      154 Russula sororia 회갈색무당버섯b) LK
      155 Russula vesca 조각무당버섯b) Q
      156 Russula virescens 기와버섯b) PK
      157 Russula xerampelina 포도무당버섯b) PK
      158 Stereaceae Stereum ostrea 갈색꽃구름버섯a) PD, Q
      159 Stereum subtomentosum 갈색털꽃구름버섯a) Q
      160 Xylobolus peculiare 껍질꽃구름버섯a) Q
      161 Thelephoraceae Thelephora palmata 단풍사마귀버섯b) PD
      162 Dacrymycetaceae Calocera cornea 황소아교뿔버섯a) PD, PK, Q
      163 Calocera viscosa 아교뿔버섯a) LK, PK
      164 Tremellaceae Phaeotremella foliacea 꽃흰주머니목이a) Q
      165 Trichocomaceae Paecilomyces variotii 눈꽃동충하초d) Q
      166 Chlorociboriaceae Chlorociboria aeruginascens 변형술잔녹청균a) PD
      167 Cudoniaceae Spathularia flavida 황금넓적콩나물버섯a) LK, PK, Q
      168 Dermateaceae Chlorosplenium chlora 황녹청균a) PD
      169 Helotiaceae Calycina citrina 황색고무버섯a) PK
      170 Hyaloscyphaceae Lachnum rhytismatis 리트머스털컵버섯a) Q
      171 Lachnaceae Erioscyphella abnormis 양털컵버섯a) Q
      172 Sclerotiniaceae Dicephalospora rufocornea 국명 미정a,c) LK, PD, Q
      173 Leotiaceae Leotia lubrica 콩두건버섯a) Q
      174 Helvellaceae Helvella elastica 긴대안장버섯b) Q
      175 Helvella macropus 기둥안장버섯b) PD, Q
      176 Helvella sublicia 덧술잔안장버섯b) Q
      177 Cordycipitaceae Cordyceps militaris 동충하초d) Q
      178 Hypoxylaceae Annulohypoxylon truncatum 검은팥버섯a) Q
      179 Ophiocordycipitaceae Ophiocordyceps nutans 노린재포식동충하초d) LK, PK
      180 Ophiocordyceps sphecocephala 벌포식동충하초d) LK, PD, PK, Q
      181 Xylariaceae Xylaria hypoxylon 콩꼬투리버섯a) PD, Q
      Field Sub-Category
      Title of Dataset Data on the Higher Fungi of Mt. Minjuji in Korea
      Category Biota, Ecology
      Temporal Coverage 2023.05.-2023.10.
      Spatial Coverage Address Yeongdong-gun, Muju-gun, and Gimcheon-si (Mountain Minjuji)
      WGS84 Coordinates [Latitude] 36.04-36.04
      [Longitude] 127.87-127.87
      Personnel Name Ju-Kyeong Eo
      Affiliation National Institute of Ecology
      CC License CC BY-NC
      Field Sub-Category
      Summary of Dataset The funga of higher fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea
      Project Investigation of fungal diversity for mycofabrication
      Instrument Field survey
      Table 1. List of macrofungal species collected from mongolian oak forest in Mountain Minjuji

      Korean names of the mushrooms were obtained from the national species list of Korea (NIBR, 2019) and index of Korean mushroom (Park and Lee, 2010).

      PK, Pinus koraiensis; PD, Pinus densiflora; LK, Larix kaempferi; Q, Quercus sp.

      Saprophytic fungi;

      Mycorrhizal fungi;

      Reported as a scientific name because there is no current Korean name;

      Parasitic fungi.
