The Funga of Higher Fungi of the Mongolian Oak Forest in Mt. Jeombong, Korea
Article information
This study was conducted to find the biodiversity of higher fungi at the supersite of Mt. Jeombong from July to October 2016 during the Second Long Term Ecology Research project. A total of 31 families, 52 genera, and 120 species of higher fungi were found within the permanent 1 ha qaudrat and in a 10 m radius of the ecological flux tower. From a taxonomical and ecological perspcetive, Russulaceae (22 species, 18.0%), Boletaceae (17 species, 13.9%), and Amanitaceae (10 species, 8.2%) were the top 3 taxa with the most species found in mycorrhizal mushrooms. Marasmiaceae (10 species, 9.8%), Mycenaceae (8 species, 6.6%), and Polyporaceae (6 species, 4.9%) were also the top 3 taxa with the most species found in saprophytic mushrooms.
1. Introduction
The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea conducted the First Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project from 2004 to 2013 to monitor ecosystem change, maintenance, and conservation. Beginning in 2014, the second LTER project was launched by the National Institute of Ecology. The purpose of the LTER project was to lay the foundation for monitoring of biodiversity and researching the interactions between organisms from a supersite on Mt. Jeombong in Gangwon-do. For this, a roadmap of the 2nd LTER project established in 2014, and the supersite was established in the experimental forest of Mt. Jeombong in 2015. In 2016, research on the interactions between organisms was conducted at the supersite. All synthetic studies conducted at this supersite divided into one of eight topics:
(1) population dynamics and wetland, (2) plant community and nutrient cycling, (3) insect–plant correlation, (4) soil microbial biodiversity and its environment, (5) forest bird community and feeding guild structure, (6) forest bat community, (7) forest food network structure, and (8) ecology and environment space database construction. As part of this effort, we collected diversity data on higher fungi in the Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) forest of Mt. Jeombong in 2016 (National Institute of Ecology, 2016).
2. Project description
Title: Soil microbial biodiversity and its environment In 2016, we conducted a study on soil microbial biodiversity and its environment at the supersite of Mt. Jeombong. The aim of the research was to investigate the community of soil microorganisms in a forest ecosystem and to understand the interactions between microorganisms. However, unlike other microorganisms, higher fungi form fruiting bodies that can be observed directly with the naked eye. Therefore, we focused our investigation on higher fungi through the collection and analysis of diversity data.
3. Methods
Our research was conducted within the permanent quadrat measuring 100 × 100 m (1 ㏊) and in a 10 m radius of the ecological flux tower on Mt. Jeombong. We checked the host plants and surrounding environment and observed characteristics, like the color and shape of the fruiting bodies. The identification of higher fungi was performed by combining macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, such as the cap, stem, and spores. In addition, the “Wild Fungi of Korea” (Park and Lee, 2010) and “Nihon no kinoko” (Imazeki, 2011) were referenced for the identification and classification of higher fungi. These data were produced in accordance with the data standards and quality control procedures of the EcoBank ecological database of the National Institute of Ecology.
4. Temporal coverage
The biodiversity data on higher fungi in this study were produced during the 2nd LTER from July to October 2016.
5. Spatial coverage
This research was conducted within the permanent 1 ha quadrat defined by the following geographic coordinates: upper left: N 38° 02′18.90″ E 128° 28′00.96″, upper right: N 38° 02′18.65″ E 128° 28′04.46″, lower left: N 38° 02′16.25″ E 128° 28′00.89″, and lower right: N 38° 02′15.65″ E 128° 28′04.99″ and in a 10 m radius of the ecological flux tower (center: N 38° 02′16.87″ E 128° 28′05.94″) on Mt. Jeombong in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea (Fig. 1).
6. Results
A total of 31 families, 52 genera, and 120 species were identified (Table 1). Among them, mycorrhizal mushrooms were found in 13 families, 23 genera, and 76 species. There were 2 genera and 22 species in Russulaceae, 6 genera and 17 species in Boletaceae, 1 genus and 10 species in Amanitaceae, 3 genera and 6 species in Tricholomataceae, and 3 genera and 5 species in Agaricaceae. One genus and three species were identified in Bankeraceae, Gomphaceae, and Thelephoraceae, whereas one genus and two species were found in Cortinariceae and Entolomataceae. One genus and one species were identified in Cantharellaceae, Gomphidiaceae, and Suillaceae. Saprophytic mushrooms were found in 18 families, 29 genera, and 44 species. There were 5 genera and 10 species in Marasmiaceae, 2 genera and 8 species in Mycenaceae, 3 genera and 6 species in Polyporaceae, and 2 genera and 3 species in Strophariaceae. Two genera and two species were identified in Physalacriaceae, Stereumceae, and Xylariaceae. Futher, one genus and one species were identified in Clavariaceae, Corticiaceae, Helotiaceae, Meruliaceae, Nidulariaceae, Pezizaceae, Pluteaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Scutigeraceae, and Tubiferaceae (Fig. 2). The results of this research were published as part of the 2nd LTER Report (National Institue of Ecology, 2016).

Taxonomical structure of families of higher fungi of Mt. Jeombong, Korea. Russulaceae (22 species, 18.0%), Boletaceae (17 species, 13.9%), and Amanitaceae (10 species, 8.2%) are the top 3 taxa with the most species found in mycorrhizal mushrooms. Marasmiaceae (10 species, 9.8%), Mycenaceae (8 species, 6.6%), and Polyporaceae (6 species, 4.9%) are also the top 3 taxa with the most species found in saprophytic mushrooms.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Ecology (NIE), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIE-B-2016-02).
Usage rights
Use license: Other
IP rights notes: Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Data resources
Number of dataset: 1
Data set name:
Data format: *.shp, *.xlsx
*.shp files: Map of research site of higher fungi of Mt. Jeombong
Higherfungi.xlsx: Raw data of higher fungi of Mt. Jeombong.